Inshared * Benches Collective
We present the Benches Collective as the biggest open-air café in the world. It is a day where hundreds of sidewalk café’s are created not just in the Netherlands, but all over the world.
Inshared is an insurance company that is all about preventing damage together. All the money that isn’t disbursed at the end of the year, gets distributed to all its members.
Research shows that there’s a 6% decrease of burglary when the sidewalk is in use. So we figured to give an extra push to those who join Benches Collective by giving away 100 (Inshared) pink outdoor rugs. It creates a cozy setting, brings people together and in the end also helps prevent burglary.
60 Alvalle ambassadors in the city, 350 drink boxes won and over 60K in social & online media value.
Co-Creation, Acquisition